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16342846 submission


タレコミ by headless
headless 曰く、
欧州委員会は 1 日、鉄道で代替可能な国内線旅客機の定期便運航を禁ずるフランスの国内法が EU 法に違反しないとの判断を示した (欧州委員会の実施決定 2022/2358The Next Web の記事)。

是非が争われていたのは気候変動対策を規定する法律 2021-1104 の 145 条で、フランス領内すべての航空路線で同区間を 2 時間 30 分以内で結ぶ直行便の鉄道路線がある場合、発効から 3 年間限定で旅客機の定期便運航を禁ずるというもの。旅程に大きな影響を与えない限り、よりエネルギー効率が良く電化も進んでいる鉄道へ置き換えようとするものだが、航空会社や空港が異議を申し立てており、欧州委員会が審議していた。

145 条 1 の後段では、前段の禁止条件を具体的に示す国務院の意見を取り入れた法令の発布が必要とされている。法令の最終草案では 1) 交通上重要なハブ空港には 2 空港 (駅) 間を直結する高速鉄道が乗り入れており、その他の空港では同じ都市内に駅があること、2) 乗り換えが不要なこと、3) 毎日十分な回数かつ空港での乗り継ぎに適切な時間帯に列車が運行されていること、4) 日帰りの場合に目的地で 8 時間以上滞在できることが挙げられている。

2 空港間を高速鉄道が直結しているという条件で、パリ・シャルルドゴール空港とボルドー・ナント・レンヌ・リヨンを結ぶ 4 路線、パリ・オルリー空港とボルドー・ナント・リヨンを結ぶ 3 路線、リヨン・サンテグジュペリ空港とマルセイユを結ぶ路線の合計 8 路線が特定された。

しかし、シャルルドゴールからボルドー・ナントを結ぶ 2 路線は鉄道で 2 時間 30 分以上かかる。また、シャルルドゴールとレンヌ・リヨンを結ぶ 2 路線およびサンテグジュペリとマルセイユを結ぶ路線は 2 時間 30 分以内であるものの、ハブ空港であるシャルルドゴールまたはサンテグジュペリで早朝便や深夜便に搭乗するのに適切なスケジュールで列車が運行されていない。

そのため、開始時点ではオルリーとボルドー・ナント・リヨンを結ぶ 3 路線のみ定期便旅客機の運航が禁じられ、今後鉄道の便が改善された場合には禁止路線が追加されることになる。発効から 3 年間という期限に変更はない。
16342851 submission


タレコミ by headless
headless 曰く、
Google のマテリアルデザインチームが 24 時間表示の時計のためのタイムピッカーデザインで直面した困難について解説している (Material Design Blog の記事9to5Google の記事Android Poice の記事)。

2020 年 10 月、最初にリリースしたマテリアルデザインの 24 時間タイムピッカーは 2 重リングになっており、外周で 1 ~ 12 時、内周で 13 ~ 24 時を選択する仕組みだったという。しかし、内周での選択が難しいといった懸念を受けて 1 重リングで 1 ~ 24 時までを選択するデザインに変更。このデザインでは偶数の時間のみ表示され、奇数の時間はスペースで表現されていた。このリングは時間の選択時のみで、分の選択時には表示が切り替わる仕組みだ。

しかし、このデザインは重要なアクセシビリティの問題を解決する一方で、ユーザーが認知しているアナログ時計の文字盤と一致せず、奇数の時間を選択するのにスペースを選択するというのが明確でないなどの問題があった。チームは 50 以上の異なるプロトタイプデザインを作るなど試行錯誤したが、24 時間表示のアナログ時計がユーザーの混乱を招くことに変わりなかったようだ。

最終的に 24 時間のタイムピッカーはデジタル方式が確実という結論に達し、オプションで 2 重リングのアナログ方式タイムピッカーも選択できるようにする計画とのことだ。スラドの皆さんはわかりやすく、かつ使いやすい24時間のアナログ方式タイムピッカーのアイディアがあるだろうか。
16343022 submission


タレコミ by headless
headless 曰く、
Sirius XM の自動車リモート管理システムで、車体識別番号 (VIN) だけわかればさまざまなリモート操作が可能になる脆弱性が発見されていたそうだ (HackRead の記事Sam Curry 氏のツイート)。

発見者の Sam Curry 氏は異なるメーカーの自動車に影響する複数の脆弱性を調査しているうち、いずれも Sirius XM が供給するシステムであることを確認。Sirius XM のリモート管理システムは数多くの自動車メーカーが採用しているが、影響が確認されたのはホンダ (アキュラ含む) と日産 (インフィニティ含む) の製品のみ。これらの車両では HTTP リクエストの「customerId」パラメーターで実際の顧客 ID の代わりに VIN を使用できること、これにより顧客の名前や電話番号、住所などの取得やリモート操作コマンドの実行が可能であることが判明したという。

ドアのロック解除やエンジンの始動が可能なキーレスシステムの脆弱性複数の車種たびたび発見されているが、今回の脆弱性では加えて現在地の確認やクラクションを鳴らす、ライトを点滅させるといった操作も可能だったそうだ。Curry 氏は Sirius XM へ事前に問題を報告しており、既に修正されているとのことだ。
16343411 submission


タレコミ by hitorifutari
hitorifutari 曰く、

16343777 submission


タレコミ by Anonymous Coward
あるAnonymous Coward 曰く、


16343835 submission


タレコミ by Anonymous Coward
あるAnonymous Coward 曰く、

米政府からウクライナに供与されて大戦果を挙げたと言われるHIMARSだが、弾薬として射程80kmの衛星誘導ロケット (GMLRS) と射程300kmのATACMSのうち、米政府はこれまでGMLRSのみを供与していた。


16344066 submission

デスクトップ版 Vivaldi 5.6、ブラウザ初の独自 Mastodon インスタンスを組み込み

タレコミ by Anonymous Coward
あるAnonymous Coward 曰く、
12月7日に公開されたウェブブラウザVivaldiの最新版 5.6 では、Mastodon ベースの独自ソーシャルメディア「Vivaldi Social」をブラウザのサイドバーに組み込んだ。これは、ブラウザとしては初の取組とのこと。

16344261 submission

How International sea freight service Work

タレコミ by amanda
amanda 曰く、
The rise of easier overseas shipping has provided a huge boost to exporters and importers around the world. Much of this growth has been driven by sea freight – nearly 90% of global trade today is driven by sea and sea. Today's ocean freight offers a safe and cost-effective way to move a wide variety of goods. This results in nearly 200 million containers being transported by sea every year.

What does sea freight service mean?

Simply put, sea freight service are a means of transporting goods by sea. Under this practice, large quantities of goods are packed in containers and shipped overseas by sea. It is one of the most commonly used shipping methods for importers and exporters worldwide.

Why choose sea freight service?

sea freight service provide some important benefits in international trade:
One of the main benefits of this approach is its ability to handle bulky cargo or bulky or heavy cargo such as vehicles, furniture, equipment, etc. Different size containers (20ft, 40ft, etc.) are available depending on the product and size of the shipment.
Sea freight services offer more cost-effective prices compared to other modes of transportation such as air freight services.
Ocean shipping is not only conducive to the transport of heavy cargo but also smaller cargo as multiple such smaller cargo can be combined to fill a single container. This also provides an important cost advantage for these goods.
With the improvement of maritime safety, the accident rate of marine transportation has dropped significantly over the years. Vessels used in sea freight are also increasingly designed to handle hazardous or hazardous materials, unlike air freight, which has restrictions on the movement of such cargo.
Finally, shipping by sea is also greener – the CO2 emissions, or “carbon footprint” of the method, are much lower than other modes of transport.

How does the sea freight service work?

The process of sea freight service is usually as follows:
Step 1 — An agreement is reached between a buyer and a seller, presumably from two different countries. They decide to conduct trade transactions based on an agreed Incoterm, which determines how title and risk are transferred, and most importantly, who is responsible for the shipping process and shipping costs. For example, in an Ex Works (EXW) transaction, the buyer or importer pays the full cost of transportation directly from the supplier's factory or warehouse.
Step 2 — Mark and pack the goods according to shipping standards.
Step 3 — The next step is to book a sea freight service, for which sea freight forwarding is required as it is impossible for the exporter to perform this step by himself. The freight forwarder is responsible for booking the container for you (full container or less than container) according to the method that is most suitable for your shipment.
Step 4 — The goods have to be shipped from the supplier's factory to the port in the supplier's country (this can also be done with the help of a freight forwarder).
Step 5 — Purchasing marine insurance is also an important step (before the shipment process begins).
Step 6 — The goods are loaded into FCL or LCL containers according to the volume and requirements of the trade transaction (determined by both parties to the transaction or the freight forwarder), and then shipped.
Step 7 — After the goods are loaded on the ship, the ocean carrier issues the bill of lading. It acts as a contract between the shipper and the carrier, as an important document throughout the process, containing all the important details of the transaction, and also as the title to the goods.
Step 8 — Once the goods are loaded onto the ship, the goods go through customs at the port of origin.
Step 9 — Then the goods are processed for shipping.
Step 10 — Once the goods arrive at the port of destination, import clearance must be completed and duties (if applicable) associated with the imported goods must be paid.
Step 11 — Finally, transportation of the goods from the port to the buyer's location must be arranged (this can also be done with the help of a freight forwarder).

16344315 submission

How International sea freight service Work(renew)

タレコミ by amanda
amanda 曰く、
The rise of easier overseas shipping has provided a huge boost to exporters and importers around the world. Much of this growth has been driven by sea freight – nearly 90% of global trade today is driven by sea and sea. Today's ocean freight offers a safe and cost-effective way to move a wide variety of goods. This results in nearly 200 million containers being transported by sea every year.

What does sea freight service mean?

Simply put, sea freight service are a means of transporting goods by sea. Under this practice, large quantities of goods are packed in containers and shipped overseas by sea. It is one of the most commonly used shipping methods for importers and exporters worldwide.

Why choose sea freight service?

sea freight service provide some important benefits in international trade:
One of the main benefits of this approach is its ability to handle bulky cargo or bulky or heavy cargo such as vehicles, furniture, equipment, etc. Different size containers (20ft, 40ft, etc.) are available depending on the product and size of the shipment.
Sea freight services offer more cost-effective prices compared to other modes of transportation such as air freight services.
Ocean shipping is not only conducive to the transport of heavy cargo but also smaller cargo as multiple such smaller cargo can be combined to fill a single container. This also provides an important cost advantage for these goods.
With the improvement of maritime safety, the accident rate of marine transportation has dropped significantly over the years. Vessels used in sea freight are also increasingly designed to handle hazardous or hazardous materials, unlike air freight, which has restrictions on the movement of such cargo.
Finally, shipping by sea is also greener – the CO2 emissions, or “carbon footprint” of the method, are much lower than other modes of transport.

How does the sea freight service work?

The process of sea freight service is usually as follows:
Step 1 — An agreement is reached between a buyer and a seller, presumably from two different countries. They decide to conduct trade transactions based on an agreed Incoterm, which determines how title and risk are transferred, and most importantly, who is responsible for the shipping process and shipping costs. For example, in an Ex Works (EXW) transaction, the buyer or importer pays the full cost of transportation directly from the supplier's factory or warehouse.
Step 2 — Mark and pack the goods according to shipping standards.
Step 3 — The next step is to book a sea freight service, for which sea freight forwarding is required as it is impossible for the exporter to perform this step by himself. The freight forwarder is responsible for booking the container for you (full container or less than container) according to the method that is most suitable for your shipment.
Step 4 — The goods have to be shipped from the supplier's factory to the port in the supplier's country (this can also be done with the help of a freight forwarder).
Step 5 — Purchasing marine insurance is also an important step (before the shipment process begins).
Step 6 — The goods are loaded into FCL or LCL containers according to the volume and requirements of the trade transaction (determined by both parties to the transaction or the freight forwarder), and then shipped.
Step 7 — After the goods are loaded on the ship, the ocean carrier issues the bill of lading. It acts as a contract between the shipper and the carrier, as an important document throughout the process, containing all the important details of the transaction, and also as the title to the goods.
Step 8 — Once the goods are loaded onto the ship, the goods go through customs at the port of origin.
Step 9 — Then the goods are processed for shipping.
Step 10 — Once the goods arrive at the port of destination, import clearance must be completed and duties (if applicable) associated with the imported goods must be paid.
Step 11 — Finally, transportation of the goods from the port to the buyer's location must be arranged (this can also be done with the help of a freight forwarder).

16344434 submission


タレコミ by nagazou
nagazou 曰く、

16344484 submission


タレコミ by nagazou
nagazou 曰く、

Webアクセシビリティーの品質規格「JIS X 8341-3:2016」の制定以降に出てきた新しめの対応事例などを掲載したそう。具体的にはスマートフォン向け表示への対応例などを紹介しているそうだ。専門用語をなるべく減らし、図解を多めに盛り込んだとのこと。
16344495 submission

What Is The Current Size Of The Global Woodworking

タレコミ by prasaddhumal
prasaddhumal 曰く、
From 2022 to 2029, the market for woodworking circular saw blades is expected to generate US$ 50.4 million in revenue, representing a 4.4% compound annual growth rate. By 2029, it is anticipated that shipments of circular saw blades for woodworking will generate a net worth of US$68.3 million.

At present, sales of woodworking circular saw blades comprise 8% of the world market for woodworking tools. Circular saw demand has increased over the past few years as a result of their enhanced precision capabilities and affordable price.

The widespread popularity of DIY projects in the modern digital era has increased demand for woodworking circular saws, which in turn has increased demand for woodworking circular saw blades.

Request Sample:https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-11045

Key Takeaways from Woodworking Circular Saw Blades Market Study

Sales through numerous online platforms is gaining prominence, as these online sites enable customers to choose products according to their requirements. Many retailers and distributors are focusing on offering their products through online platforms to gain a significant share in the market.
Increased use of furniture in commercial and residential sectors and the use of wood as a thermal and electrical insulator in industrial and manufacturing sectors are expected to bolster the sales of woodworking circular saw blades, with timber and wood processing industries performing substantially well.
Spurring demand for woodworking operations for the manufacturing of household furniture and use of wood in the designing of basic utilities in commercial constructions are anticipated to bolster the demand for woodworking circular saw blades. With increment in the use of circular saw blades for application in small-scale operations, 100 – 200 mm diameter blades are projected to experience hefty growth in the market.
“Rising demand for woodworking circular saw blades for plumbing & carpentry, owing to their inherent reliability, such as accuracy, ease of use, and precision, creates a positive environment for the growth of the woodworking circular saw blades market.”

Woodworking Circular Saw Blades Market: Competition Overview

The global woodworking circular saw blades market is perfectly competitive, with the presence of a significant number of organized and unorganized players actively operating in the global market. Freud Tools, Robert Bosch GmbH, Stanley Black and Decker, and Homag Group are identified as prominent players in the global woodworking circular saw blades market. Key players are focusing on manufacturing diverse blades for efficient performance in different operations.

Asia Pacific Offering Lucrative Opportunities for Market Growth

The demand for woodworking circular saw blades is expected to gain significant traction in the coming years, owing to flourishing residential and commercial construction activities in developing countries of the Asia Pacific region. Rising demand from the furniture industry is expected to drive the sales of saw blades during the forecast period. High use of wooden furniture and timber for construction in countries such as India, China, and South Korea is expected to propel the growth of the woodworking circular saw blades market.

Request Customization, Visit:https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/customization-available/rep-gb-11045

More Valuable Insights on Woodworking Circular Saw Blades Market

The research report provides thorough assessment and future forecasts of the woodworking circular saw blades market on the basis of five primary segments listed as follows: mode of operation, blade type, diameter type, distribution channel, and end-use industry. The report provides comprehensive information about global market sizing, key market manufacturers, and regional perspective for market. The report also provides important dynamics of the woodworking circular saw blades market. The scope of the research includes woodworking circular saw blades with carbide tips or complete carbide blades utilized in the woodworking industry.

16344561 submission


タレコミ by nagazou
nagazou 曰く、
16344575 submission


タレコミ by nagazou
nagazou 曰く、

typodupeerrorは、私が使っている IPアドレスですので勝手に使わないでください --- ある通りすがり
