Over the weekend, one of our users noticed that typing “binance.us” into Brave’s address bar added an affiliate code to the end of the address (commonly called a URL) that was typed in.
The bad news is that we made a mistake when adding affiliate codes and logic using them to suggest alternative completions shown in the drop-down under the address bar. The error was adding the affiliate code to the default completion (where you go if you hit the or key) for a small set of URLs, instead of only to the suggested alternative completions that users must pick manually.
We apologize to our users for this error.
We have already fixed the issue in Brave’s open source on GitHub and in the Brave Nightly, Beta, and Developer release channels, as well as in the Stable (1.9.80) release of our desktop browser that just went live, by changing the “Show Brave suggested sites in autocomplete suggestions” setting’
Brave共同創業者ブレンダン・アイクからのメッセージをお読みください (スコア:0)
Re: (スコア:0)
https://brave.com/referral-codes-in-suggested-sites/ [brave.com]
Over the weekend, one of our users noticed that typing “binance.us” into Brave’s address bar added an affiliate code to the end of the address (commonly called a URL) that was typed in.
The bad news is that we made a mistake when adding affiliate codes and logic using them to suggest alternative completions shown in the drop-down under the address bar. The error was adding the affiliate code to the default completion (where you go if you hit the or key) for a small set of URLs, instead of only to the suggested alternative completions that users must pick manually.
We apologize to our users for this error.
We have already fixed the issue in Brave’s open source on GitHub and in the Brave Nightly, Beta, and Developer release channels, as well as in the Stable (1.9.80) release of our desktop browser that just went live, by changing the “Show Brave suggested sites in autocomplete suggestions” setting’
Re:Brave共同創業者ブレンダン・アイクからのメッセージをお読みください (スコア:3, 参考になる)
Re: (スコア:0)
> Anyway, we'll remove all affiliate codes from autocomplete defaults.
これは、文末にある様に defaults に対しての話なので、デフォルト設定外でも一切候補に出さないって話はそもそもしてない事からも分かる。
最後の defaults がなければ、その読み取り方も出来んことはない。